Green Supply Chain & Waste Minimization Strategies
How various products are manufactured and the way they move down the supply chain to reach your household is a new arena for global companies to address, particularly if they are committed for Sustainable Development.
Reducing the total material, energy and water inputs and looping the waste-to-energy stream are ways in which a Green Supply Chain can be achieved. Although it often sounds like a cost proposition to companies, the long term, a Green Supply Chain ensures a sustainable, low cost option that addresses the challenges of the future.
Waste is a non-productive by-product of any process which companies have to deal with in their manufacturing and supply chains. As waste dumping restrictions become more and more stringent, companies are required to optimize their processes to reduce and recycle their waste.
Innovation in waste management has come forth where companies are regularly making profits from their waste by selling it to other companies that uses it as their raw material. Similar waste reduction and recycling processes become a part of the larger waste management strategies of companies.
Today, as technology offers options for waste-to-energy conversion, simple management solutions and closing-the-loop strategies are also playing an important role in managing our waste. Effective waste management strategy will ensure that all waste is effectively addressed and there is a zero-waste discharge by any company into the environment.