
A Three Stage Approach

Step 1. Appraisal

At the Appraisal stage, we propose a design workshop with all the stake holders and encourage a debate on all the issues identified in the Environmental Checklist. Brainstorming with the project team to generate innovative environmental ideas and integrated designs facilitates a strong footing for each project. This is also an opportunity to look at the tangible and intangible benefits from these initiatives like image building and marketing benefits.

Step 2. Outline Proposals

At the Proposals stage, the potential solutions identified in the workshop are then tested against the current government policies. An environmental statement is drafted for including in the planning application which clearly states the environmental initiatives being considered for the development.

Step 3. Project Delivery

At the Project Delivery stage, these initiatives are tested for their practical feasibility for construction, installation, usage and maintenance aspects. Commercial viability in terms of return on investment or payback periods is also carried out at this stage. The next step is correct specification and installation.


Once a commissioning and monitoring regime is in place, accurate assessment of the building performance is taken up. This method is very useful in realizing measurable benefits from the proposed solutions.

We ensure that we deliver a Project that performs as was envisaged by the team during the Appraisal Stage.