Project Name : Ananta One
Location : Shivajinagar, Pune
Typology : Commercial
Client: Kalpavruksha Plantations Pvt. Ltd.
Certification : LEED v4 BD+C Core and Shell – Gold rating (Pre-certified)
Built up Area : 6300 sqm
Green Highlights of the project:
- Project location such that it has good access to public transportation services.
- Reduction in heat island effect by reducing paved surfaces and usage of high reflective roof finish.
- Indoor and outdoor water use reduction with usage of efficient plumbing fixtures and reduced water.
- Requirement for landscape irrigation.
- Targeted reduction in energy consumption by 20% as compared to ASHRAE base case
- Renewable energy installation to target 10% offset of annual energy consumption.
- Use of CFC free refrigerants.
- Improved indoor environment quality with adequate daylight, outdoor view, provisions for intake of fresh air and no smoking policy.
- Rain water harvesting.
- Incorporation of waste management strategies such as segregation of waste, on site organic waste management and handling of waste during construction